Guillermo de la Puente

Blog Revalidation

This is a utility to publish changes made the blog posts in Notion. You can only use it if you have the secret passcode.

Technically speaking, this utility:

  • Runs a script to move images from Notion to an external hosting provider. Read why it's necessary for using Next.js image optimization.
  • Triggers the on-demand revalidation of statically generated pages, like the blog and each blog post.

Doing revalidation of all pages can take over a minute. Since Vercel has execution limits on their functions, we have to split it and require passing which blog post should be revalidated.

In a client project, this view would be made more easy to use, listing all pages from Notion and letting the user select those that they wish to publish changes from.

/blog will also be revalidated

Check out the implementation of the revalidation endpoint: